- Before C++ true and false were represented as 1 and 0 respectively. But C++ uses both. Other than 0 all values represent true.
- Library function exit() :
- exit(0) : Normal Exit
- exit(other numerical value) : Error / Abnormal exit.
- This function is present in ‘process.h’
- Library function getche():
- This function is present in conio.h
- No need of user to press enter after input. This function returns character as soon as it reads.
- ‘e’ in getche represents echo, means getche echo data on screen.
- Conditional operator (?:) : –
- min = (alpha < beta) ? alpha : beta;
- Precedence of operators : Unary>Arithmetic>Relational>Logical>Conditional>Assignment
- Switch case only accepts character and integer type variables.