Author Archives: Sachin Kumar

Fabric JS Zoom

This article will guide you through the implementation of zoom functionality using fabric.js library. Install Fabric JS lib 🤦‍♂️ Add post install script in your package.json file’s scripts: run ‘yarn’ in command line. It will build fabric.js with gesture support. Now the code. You always into to know your contents height and weight that you

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Azure SQL drop all tables

If you want to drop all tables, then you can use following query: You face an issue with ‘sp_msforeachtable’. So, you can create a procedure using following SQL command and try running the command above. The above script have some old syntax. But it was working at the time of writing this blog. May be,

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Host your website/service at home

I know text is not easy to understand for less tech savvy people. So, I am in process of making a YouTube channel for video demonstration of tutorials. What you would need (Requirements): The flow of traffic would be (architecture) Your spare computer configuration: Edit Apache server v-host configuration. The location would be something like

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Azure AD Token Authentication Web API

Authentication example: Where AzureAdOptions contains the configuration of your Azure AD. MyJwtEventsHandler is the implementation of JwtEventsHandler. e.g. Register authentication: MyAuthorizationMiddlewareResultHandler is the middleware behaviour overrider. Check Microsoft docs for more details. Use on your controller: Cheers and Peace out!!!