- Initializing structure
- structure_name variable_name = {value1,value2,…,valueN};
- Initializing nested structure
- structure_name variable_name = { {value1, value2},{value3,value4}};
- A structure can be nested up to any depth in theory.
- Structure can hold data and functions (In c they can only hold data)
- An enum declaration defines the set of all names that will be permissible values of the type. These permissible values are called enumberators.
- e.g. enum days{Mon,Tue,…,Sun};
- days d1,d2;
- In c we have to use enum keyword while creating variable of enum type. e.g. enum days d1,d2;
- Enumerations are treated as Integer types internally. The value of first name is 0. We can change it :
- e.g. enum suit{clubs=1,diamonds}; Now clubs will have value 1 and subsequent value have 2,3 and so on.
- Enums are not recognised by c++ I/O statements
- e.g. suit s = clubs;
- cout << s;
- above example will output 1 and not clubs.
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