Yearly Archives: 2017

The Computer System (Hardware View)

A computer is a digital machine that generates, processes, stores and transmits information. The essential design of a computer is bases on Von Neumann architecture consisting of two components – a processor and a tore connected through a communication channel. The program instructions and associated data are loaded into the store. Therefore, such a machine

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HostSpot Technology in Java

Java does not support native code but there is HotSpot technology that converts few parts of java instructions (byte code) into executable code in real time by compiling it. HotSpot provides Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler for bytecode. JIT compiler compiles code as it is needed. HotSpot is the memory that is provided by JVM to run

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What is native code.

Native code is computer programming (code) that is compiled to run with a particular processor (such as an Intel x86-class processor) and its set of instructions. If the same program is run on a computer with a different processor, software can be provided so that the computer emulates the original processor. In this case, the

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Java brief Intro

Java is a OOP (object oriented language). Which means we see ‘who is effected’ instead of ‘what is happening’. Java was conceived by : James Gosling Patrick Naughton Chris Warth Ed Frank Mike Sheridan at Sunmicrosystems inc. in 1991. Took 18 Months for first version At the start java’s name was oak Renamed to java

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Data Types and Their Size in Java

Java have two types of data types. Primitive Data Types User Defined Data Types Java is statically typed and also a strongly typed language : because we have to declare the type of each variable and one variable cannot store value of other type of variable. But languages like PHP, Python are dynamically typed because

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