CPU Cache Memory Points to Remember.
Principle of ‘locality of reference‘ : This principle suggests that at any given time, the...
Backing you up.
Principle of ‘locality of reference‘ : This principle suggests that at any given time, the...
A CPU executes an instruction store in the main memory of the computer. An instruction...
A bus is a group of current-conducting wires over which data is transferred from one...
The main components of the CPU are– control unit (CU), arithmetic nd logical unit (ALU)...
A modern computer have four main components : Memory : Primary( is a semiconductor memory,...
A computer is a digital machine that generates, processes, stores and transmits information. The essential...
Java does not support native code but there is HotSpot technology that converts few parts...
Native code is computer programming (code) that is compiled to run with a particular processor...
Java is a OOP (object oriented language). Which means we see ‘who is effected’ instead...
Java have two types of data types. Primitive Data Types User Defined Data Types Java...