Some useful ways to manipulate files:
Array: Array could be crated like
myArr=("val1" "val2")
You can see that values are separated through space.
Store multiline string to variable: Use cat command like below:
multilineString=$(cat <<-END
My lines
Be careful with ‘END’ word. There should be any space before it, otherwise it will considered as a line.
Looping through array: We can loop through arrays as follows:
# Iterate values
for value in "${myArr[@]}"; do
#iterate index
for index in "${!myArr[@]}"; do
#Accessing a variable based on index
#Or simply
The ‘!’ sign indicates to iterate through indexes. ‘@’ sign means we are going to iterate through ‘myArr’
Search through files and store return values in a variable: We will use grep to search for string pattern.
# This way grep command will execute and returned values will be saved to foundValues variable.
foundValues=$(grep pattern filePath)
Split string and select a index:
# We are using cut command after pipe. The delimiter is ':' and index selected is 2 (1 based index).
valueSelectedAfterSplit=$(echo $string | cut -d ":" -f 2)
Search and replace in a string:
#Command used is: ${main_string/search_term/replace_term}
# In below replace command we replacing ',' with nothing.
Save value in a variable to a file:
echo "$variableName" > "$targetFileAbsolutePath"
You can add some of your most used commands in comments.
Cheers and Peace out!!!