We can use the HostApplicationBuilder Class (Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting) | Microsoft Learn to create a host with default settings. It’s very quick and easy to set a console app with IOC principle using dependency injection pattern. Your appsettings data will be there in the ‘Configuration’ prop of the host builder.
Example code
var environmentName = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") ?? "DEV";
var hostBuilder = Host.CreateApplicationBuilder(new HostApplicationBuilderSettings()
EnvironmentName = environmentName
hostBuilder.Register(); // register the service in the container
var host = hostBuilder.Build(); // build the host
StartMyFunc(host.Services); // execute something
await host.RunAsync(); // Wait the current thread.
StartMyFunc will look something like below:
static void StartMyFunc(IServiceProvider hostServiceProvider)
// create a scope, so that we can use the scoped services
using IServiceScope serviceScope = hostServiceProvider.CreateScope();
IServiceProvider scopedServiceProvider = serviceScope.ServiceProvider;
// get the IMyService implementation registered in 'Register' function
var myService = scopedServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMyService>();
// we can't make it async, if you have multiple things to execute simultaneously
// then use a List to store the tasks and wait for them complete using Task.Wait()
Cheers and Peace out!!!